Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My new path

At last I started on my own path, still need to learn and do a lot. The first one a puppy is for Kaushik (As I told him, he would get my first painting) :) and its like the first painting as I had no exp in oil paint...anyways lots of complaints from him for that but a promise is a promise so I will not be correcting that painting even if I know its not tht much good...

The second one is for my wife...yeah my life I started realizing about oil painting...yeah its not that easy, this painting is copy right of a guy (I don't remember this id to be given over here) so I tried to do it as he has done but yeah he is a professional one n mine seems just a child started one, mmmm thats k for me....I have learned lots of details from this person's painting (thanks to him, sorry realy I haven't saved from where I have taken this painting).

The third is for lungoti yaar....yeah he seems very impressed but frm my heart I know its just eye illussion if this painting is seen by any real artist he will defentliy kick me..for the mistakes I have done, but yeah I will b improving on that.